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Big Fake Tits

Room for girls that have had large breast augmentation or want to discuss it. And of coarse for the guys that love BIG high profile implants

Topic(s): Breast Fetish
Restrictions: seeking man, woman, couple (man/woman), group, couple (2 women), couple (2 men) or trans
rm_ILuvBoobs699 62M

Only registered members of LiveHookups can join this group. Click here to register.

Topics in Big Fake Tits
View  Recent | Active

PostAuthorViewsCommentsLast Update
Fun things to do with boobs
27  0  5/8/2015
Great looking breasts
63  0  8/28/2011
wow what happened to the group?
68  0  2/12/2008
New to the room in June
256  1  6/25/2007
Need new members
218  2  6/19/2007

To link to this group (Big Fake Tits) use [group 142254] in your messages.